Generation date: July 15, 2020 Date of change: September 18, 2022 Effective date: September 18, 2022 Privacy Policy We attach great importance to the protection of users' personal information (that is, information that can identify users independently or in combination with other information). When you use the "PDF converter" service, you agree that we will collect, store, use, disclose and protect your personal information in accordance with the privacy policy published on the PDF converter. We hope to clearly introduce the way we handle your personal information to you through the privacy policy, so we suggest you read the privacy policy completely to help you better protect your privacy. You fully understand and agree that we actively and passively collect your user information, and also fully understand and agree that the purpose of our collection of non private information is to provide you with the best possible software functional services. If you have any questions about this privacy policy, you can contact us through the contact information published in PDF format. If you do not agree with any content of this privacy policy, you should immediately stop using the PDF to format service. When you use any of the services provided in PDF format, you agree that we can legally use and protect your personal information in accordance with this privacy policy. 1. Scope of application This privacy policy applies to all services provided by PDF conversion. It should be noted that this privacy policy does not apply to services provided to you by other third parties, such as the sharing function in PDF conversion products. The personal information you provide to third parties does not apply to this privacy policy. We do not assume any responsibility for any third party's use of the information provided by you. Email: 2. How to collect information in PDF format We collect information to collect error information (including crash problems) during software operation, so as to optimize the stability of product functions. The way we collect information is as follows: 1) We use third-party analysis tools (Google Official Statistics SDK) to help us carry out internal data analysis and research. Data collection refers to the interaction with our "service" through your device and the choices you make, including your privacy settings and the products and functions you use. 3. How do we use information? Because the purpose of collecting your information is to provide you with services and improve the quality of service, in order to achieve this purpose, we will use your information for the following purposes: 1) Provide you with various services you use, and design, maintain and improve these services. 2) Collect bug information such as flash back crash during software operation to optimize product function experience; 3) We may use your personal information to prevent, detect and investigate fraud, security hazards, illegal or violations of agreements, policies or rules with us or its affiliates, to protect the legitimate rights and interests of you, other PDF users, or us or its affiliates. 4) In accordance with the requirements of relevant government authorities. 5) Other uses approved by you. 4. How we share information We will not sell or rent any of your information. We will share your information with a third party only under the following circumstances: 1) Obtain your consent or authorization in advance. 2) According to the provisions of laws and regulations or the requirements of administrative or judicial bodies. 3) Share your personal information with our related parties. 4) Provide your personal information to reliable partners, and let them handle such information for us according to our instructions and in accordance with our privacy policy and any other corresponding confidentiality and security measures. 5) If you are a qualified intellectual property complainant and have filed a complaint, you should disclose it to the respondent at the request of the respondent so that both parties can handle possible rights disputes. 6) Only by sharing your information can you provide the services you need, or handle disputes or controversies between you and others. 7) If you violate the relevant laws and regulations of your country or region, the User Service Agreement or other rules of PDF conversion, you need to disclose to a third party. 8) To safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of us and our affiliates or users. 5. Cookie usage In order to make your access experience easier, when you visit or use PDF formatted services, we may identify you through small data files. This is to help you save the step of repeatedly entering registration information, or to help judge the security of your account. These data files may be cookies, Flash cookies, or other local storage provided by your browser or associated applications (collectively referred to as "cookies"). Please understand that some of our services can only be realized by using "cookies". If your browser or browser attached services allow, you can modify your acceptance of cookies or reject our cookies, but this may affect your safe access to PDF conversion or services provided by PDF conversion in some cases. Permission request description: 5.1 Storage read and write permission (storage permission): dynamic request, user active authorization; The core function of the product needs to call the PDF and other files stored on the local device for document opening, viewing, conversion, editing and saving; 6. Information storage The information and materials we collect about you will be stored on the servers of us and (or) its affiliates, which may be transferred to your country, region or the place where we collect information and materials, and will be accessed, stored and displayed there. 7. Third party SDK instructions The following is the third-party SDK name, information acquisition, use purpose and multiple protocol addresses that we accept, so that you can better understand your personal information use and protection: 7.1, com.tencent.smtt, TBS Tencent browsing service Purpose: third-party opening and preview service of document resources Type of personal information collected: device information Privacy policy link: 8. Protection of your personal information To ensure your information security, we strive to take various reasonable physical, electronic and management security measures to protect your information, so that your information will not be disclosed, damaged or lost, including but not limited to SSL, information encryption storage, and access control of the data center. We have also taken strict management on employees or outsourcing personnel who may have access to your information, including but not limited to taking different authority controls according to different positions, signing confidentiality agreements with them, monitoring their operations and other measures. We will provide appropriate security measures to protect your information according to the existing technology and provide reasonable security guarantees. We will try our best to prevent your information from being disclosed, damaged or lost. 9. Account cancellation of personal information subject You can log off your previously registered account at any time by opening the software to enter the main interface and clicking "My Account Logout" to meet the requirement of deleting your personal information. After you choose this operation mode, we may no longer be able to provide you with products or services. We will delete or anonymize your personal information after you log off, unless otherwise specified by laws and regulations. After you cancel your account, we will stop providing you with products or services, and delete your personal information according to your requirements, unless otherwise specified by laws and regulations. 10. Modification and termination of privacy policy We may modify the terms of this Privacy Policy from time to time, and such modifications form part of this Privacy Policy. If such modification results in a substantial reduction of your rights under this privacy policy, we will notify you by prompting at a prominent position on the PDF conversion homepage or sending you an email or by other means before the modification takes effect. In this case, if you continue to use the PDF conversion service, you agree to be bound by this revised privacy policy. We may, at any time according to the actual situation, have the right to decide at our own discretion to suspend or terminate the provision of partial or full PDF conversion services to users without prior notice for any reason, and do not have to bear any responsibility to users or any third party for this. The user agrees that if the use of the PDF formatted service is interrupted or terminated, we will not assume any responsibility to the user or any third party.